25.10.2024 14:28
The shipment is in transit within China
Weifang operational department, Weifang
15.10.2024 04:10
Not Delivered DOOR LOCKED
04.10.2024 17:52
Handed over to the Carrirer
24.09.2024 07:34
Arrived in the UK
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
13.09.2024 21:16
[Wuhan International Mail Processing Center] departure from outward office of exchange
Beijing international Tianzhu processing center, Beijing city
03.09.2024 10:58
Departed from Facility
GARDENA, CA, 90248
24.08.2024 00:40
Received by the carrier
Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg
13.08.2024 14:22
Inbound in sorting center
Shenzhen city, departed by air, sent destination country
03.08.2024 04:04
Departed from original airport
Beijing city complex mail processing center package , Beijing city
23.07.2024 17:46
The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
13.07.2024 07:28
Arrived at [Hangzhou International Mail Processing Center]
02.07.2024 21:10
Package Received
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou
22.06.2024 10:52
Outbound in sorting center
United States, United States
12.06.2024 00:34
Final delivery. Delivered to: CEZARY CICHOWICZ
Shenzhen International Mail Processing Center, Shenzhen
01.06.2024 14:16
Export clearance success
22.05.2024 03:58
Yanwen Pickup scan
Lenexa, KS, United States
Tracking numbers examples: